In reverse! Originally descriptive of a factitious illness feigned by others upon demand becomes an unwillingness to admit that an actual illness is afoot.
Of course debilitating illness and possible death trump this charade.
As some wag suggests, "Will the Jacksonville, Florida event actually happen?" Two months is an eternity during which time cries of dismay may come to drown out any conceivable crowd of admirers.
We now know that the Trump campaign made the Tulsa people remove the spacing signs and any other signage related to the hazard of viral infection - by order of the Republican mayor of that city apropos of the Republican Governor's removal of any strictures about propinquity.
Death takes no prisoners. See also widespread economic collapse.
How many buses does it take to achieve appropriate spacing for young schoolchildren? How achieve physical spacing in school settings? How suitably expand the number of adults necessary for safe pedagogy, counseling, nursing, and food delivery? Whence come those resources? Assuming the continued good health of all concerned.
And that's just at the end of August. All of September and October lie ahead before we get to count the surviving adults who choose to exercise their franchise.